Casa Tisana dei 7 chakra
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -
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Tisana dei 7 chakra

Tè dei 7 Chakra - Tè alle erbe riequilibranti dei Chakra, erbe sfuse, miscela di erbe - Rosa Gelsomino Rosmarino Calendula Tarassaco Lavanda Una deliziosa tisana dai toni floreali e fruttati. Questa miscela è stata appositamente creata per avere un effetto equilibrante su tutti e sette i centri energetici, o chakra, del corpo. Ogni ingrediente risuona con uno o più chakra e può avere un effetto calmante su di essi e aiutare a trovare l'armonia. Ideale da gustare prima o dopo lo yoga, la meditazione o altre pratiche spirituali, ogni volta che si ha bisogno di un po' di radicamento, di un'iniezione di energia o di chiarezza mentale, o anche di un po' di sollievo e conforto emotivo. ❊Specifiche tecniche Ingredienti: Tarassaco, Zenzero, Calendula, Ibisco, Rosmarino, Cannella, Rosa, Gelsomino, Elicalipto, Zeste di Limone, Lavanda ❊Contenuto: Disponibili sacchetti da 30 g (1oz), 65 g (2,3 oz) o 100 g (2.3 oz) 100% Naturale | Vegan | Senza aggiunta di aromi o coloranti.
Prezzo di vendita €10,00
Dimensione: 30 g (1oz)
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7 Chakras Herbal Tea Magical Tea Ayamani Naturals Tisan -

Tisana dei 7 chakra

Technical Specifications

Physical Properties

Form: Cut and sifted herbs
Particle Size: 2-4mm
Moisture: 6-8%
Color: Mixed botanical
Aroma: Herbaceous-mint

Chemical Analysis

Total Flavonoids: 240mg/100g
Anthocyanins: 86mg/100g
Essential Oils: 0.8-1.2%
Vitamin C: 480mg/100g
Minerals: 4.2% ash

Quality Parameters

Microbial Load: <1000 CFU/g
Heavy Metals: Below detection
Pesticides: Not detected
Foreign Matter: <0.1%
Moisture Activity: 0.65

Blend Composition

Elderberry: 18%
Nettle Leaf: 15%
Hawthorn: 14%
Blackberry Leaf: 14%
Dandelion Root: 14%
Spearmint: 13%
Rosehips: 12%

Preparation Guidelines

Traditional Method

1. Heat fresh water to 100°C
2. Add 2g blend per 240ml water
3. Steep covered 7-10 minutes
4. Strain and serve

Storage Requirements

Store in original sealed container. Maintain cool, dark environment. Avoid exposure to moisture or strong odors. Check periodically for optimal freshness.

Usage Considerations

Begin with standard preparation method. Adjust quantity based on preference. May be enjoyed hot or chilled.

Traditional Benefits

Seven Chakras blend combines botanicals selected for their historical use in energy center activation and balance. Each herb corresponds to specific chakra points while providing documented therapeutic properties.

Root Chakra Support

Dandelion root provides grounding properties through bitter compounds and minerals. Traditional use spans centuries for promoting stability and physical wellness. Modern research validates traditional applications through identification of active constituents.

Heart Chakra Balance

Hawthorn demonstrates documented cardiovascular support through flavonoid compounds. Historical usage in European and Asian traditions spans millennia. Contemporary studies confirm traditional applications through clinical validation.

Crown Chakra Activation

Elderberry provides documented immune support while traditionally associated with spiritual awareness. Ancient European traditions detail applications for enhanced consciousness. Modern analysis identifies mechanisms supporting traditional use patterns.

Cultural Heritage

Seven Chakras blend synthesizes botanical wisdom from multiple healing traditions. Formulation combines documented therapeutic applications with traditional energetic properties spanning diverse cultural systems.

Historical Context

Ingredient selection reflects documented use in Ayurvedic, Chinese, and European herbal traditions. Archaeological evidence confirms continuous usage dating to ancient civilizations. Historical texts detail specific preparation methods and applications.

Modern Integration

Contemporary botanical research validates traditional applications through identification of active compounds. Scientific analysis provides mechanism validation while honoring traditional preparation methods. Quality control processes ensure consistent therapeutic value.

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